fun with perl and an rss feed

good <INSERT TIME OF DAY HERE>! today's been a busy day. </INSERT TIME OF DAY HERE>

i've been working on minifying my code, the javascript and css seemed pretty easy so i set them aside for later, the real challenge was dealing with the html. html has all sorts of special cases (newlines may or may not be meaningful, whitespace may be rendered) so it was a challenge to figure out what i could and couldnt get rid of, and there werent any tools available that didnt add a runtime performance penalty for php. eventually i was able to cook up some awful perl monstrosity that seemed to work well *enough* (it completely destroyed the 404 page for some reason so i had to go in and fix that). im glad thats over with and i shouldnt have to worry about it anymore.

i've also added an rss feed at for anyone who still uses an rss reader (if you arent you totally should its so nice having all your news in one place). i dont really have that much to say about it so i guess thats going to be the end of todays entry!