better than twitter
so i added a formatting system (well... duh), thats pretty cool. i decided to base it off wikitext because it had all the formatting characters in one place (unlike markdown where youre reaching all over your keyboard), so 2 's would italicize something and 3 would make something bold, = would make headings. i also fixed newlines because they used to not actually show the newline part (every post should render as intended now). eventually i want to add escape characters, images and links so i can show more than just a big wall of text on here.the edit button
the edit button was a massive pain and required a lot of changes to my code to make it work, first just finding a good spot for the edit button was difficult because this site is pretty barebones, i had tried next to the title, on the right of the screen, under the create post button wait you cant see that oops... uhh... it's at the top of the post list on the left of your screen..., none of those worked, eventually i decided to do what i always seem to do with this thing and copy whatever mediawiki did and i stuck it below the title. after that i added an editing endpoint to the api but for whatever reason php only supports form data on post requests so i had to make some silly json thing for it, while i was updating the code for the editor the stupid create post button in the editor did not change to "edit post" when editing for some reason and i spent a few hours figuring out what was going on there (i LOVE javascript). im so glad thats over.but unfortunately for me, it wasnt over, i was about to post this and i couldnt because i forgot i updated the js to use json and i didnt update the create post thing so i had to go in and change that too. hopefully now its done.
ok well thats the end of this post. see ya whenever!